Silver State Appraisers                                                 Date of Order_______ , 2008

2441 Tech Center Ct, #113reet

Las Vegas, NV 89131

License # A.0007448-CR

Office: 702.631.2220

Fax: 702.631.2266

Cell: 702.808.6608 Bruce Feldman


Company Name:     


Telephone:                                     Office

Fax:                                                 Fax


Direct Phone #

Your E-mail address:

E-Mail Report To:

Delivery of report is made via E mail unless other arrangements are made.

Address of Subject Property:__________________________________________ ___

Owner’s Name:

Owner Occupied             Tenant Occupied                     Vacant

Owner’s & Occupant Home#                                        Cell #

Work (Other)#

Borrower’s Name:

Type of Appraisal: (circle one)

1004-Full Custom $500+                                                 **442 – Certificate of Completion $100

1004-Full Sale $350                                                 (**For New Construction**scheduled upon completion)

1004 Full Refi $350

1073- Condo/Pud $350                                                   Four-Plex $750

2055-Drive By/Exterior only $300                                     Rental Survey $100

1004-FHA $400                                                             RUSH $100

Purpose of Appraisal: (circle one):     Sale     Refi     Re-Type     Other_____

(**If a sale, please attach any sales contract, counteroffers, disclosures not needed.)

Sale Price or Owner’s Estimate of Value:

Collect COD from:     Homeowner         Seller             Buyer

Payment Comments

Terms of Acceptance: Please be aware that the purpose of an appraisal is to establish a value, which cannot be done without first, examining the scope of work and performing the appraisal,. Furthermore, it is also understood that the estimate of value, as stated on this order form, is not and will not be a ‘condition’ regarding the request for service. If you intend it to be a ‘condition’ for performing this order, “I cannot accept the assignment because it violates professional ethics.” As per USPAP 2007 Edition.

(This appraisal is being accepted as a NON-FRT loan, unless otherwise stated in writing.)

**I accept full responsibility for the appraisal fee in the event escrow does not close or pay within 30 days. **

Terms Accepted by:

Signature (Required)



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